Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou
“12 years – 12 Actions!” 2 days Workshop – Seminar “Psychodrama on the stage of Panopticon” 8 & 9/2/2020

Elena Evstatieva seminar

“12 years – 12 Actions!”
The Center for the Study and Application of Psychodrama / Sofia Symeonidou
celebrates 12 years of operation in the field of Psychodrama training.
Students, graduates and associates of the Center organize in common 12 actions in our city, Thessaloniki, over the coming months of 2020.

The first action is a 2 days workshop-seminar entitled: Psychodrama on the stage of “Panopticon”

Group therapy and psychodrama in postmodern prison through the view of Restorative Justice

8 & 9/2/2020

Elena Evstatieva,
Psychodrama therapist, Chairperson of BSPGT, Group dynamic trainer. Magister of Social education

The seminar is based on several issues, crucial for her practice in period 2003 – 2016, in two Bulgarian prisons: peculiarities of the formation of a therapeutic group in correctional institution; building a therapeutic space and applying psychodrama and its instruments in the course of personal development and therapy of offenders with different profiles

Friday January 17th, 2020