Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou
21th International IAGP Congress & 1st IAGP Hybrid Congress – Pescara


Colleagues of the FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation present an online workshop of 90 minutes for the 21st International IAGP Congress in Pescara, Italy: ” Strength, Inspirations and Transformation.”

Abstract Authors & Facilitators (in alphabetical order):

Margarida Belchior, Hande Karakılıç Üçer, Sofia Symeonidou

Workshop’s Title:

Encounter with the Enemy, inside and Outside: The Fallen Angel!”

In Wim Wenders’ movie “Far Away, So Close,” the Angel Cassiel – fated to eternally behold humans from the sky – is one day suddenly transformed into a human being upon saving a mortal’s life. Caught unprepared; he experiences all the temptations, worries as well as surprises and gifts offered by this new existence.

Our global reality: hurled by the Pandemic into a new, strange kind of existence; we are all challenged like Cassiel by our vulnerability and mortality, This workshop is an invitation to tread this path, not in fear but to explore personal and collective gains and discoveries.

Pescara, Italy July 2022

Sunday July 24th, 2022