Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou

Sociodrama workshop with a mature group of Trainees in Istanbul. Thank you Istanbul Psychodrama Association for the sensitivity and responsibility to create Healthy Cultures.

Istanbul Psychodrama Association “Healthy Cultures”

It was with great pleasure and honor that I participated in the 15th Romanian Psychodrama Conference in Cluj-Napoca on “Between Global Warming and Social Coldness. Creating a Climate of Connection, […]

15th Romanian Psychodrama Congress “Between Global Warming and Social Coldness”

Το Γραφείο Βόρειας Ελλάδας του Πανελληνίου Δικτύου για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση σε συνεργασία με το Κέντρο Μελέτης και Εφαρμογής του Ψυχοδράματος – Σοφία Συμεωνίδου διοργανώνει στις 18 Μαρτίου ημερίδα […]

Workshop “Psychodrama meets the educational community”

2 days workshop-seminar entitled: Fight, Flight, Freeze. Working with Anxiety in Psychodrama 1 & 2/10/2022 Simona Vlad, Psychodrama trainer and Psychotherapist. President of Societatea de Psihodramă “J.L. Moreno” 2-day training […]

Fight, Flight, Freeze. Working with Anxiety in Psychodrama

Μέσα σε αυτή την παράδοξη κοινωνική πραγματικότητα, η εκπαιδευτική κοινότητα καλείται να αναπτύξει τον αυθορμητισμό και τη δημιουργικότητά της για να εφεύρει τρόπους συνύπαρξης που θα κρατούν ζωντανό το κύτταρο […]

Διαδικτυακο Εργαστήριο Ψυχοδράματος για παιδαγωγούς

The workshops are addressed to the general public, but also to a variety of groups such as parents, students, professionals in the fields of social services, mental health, preschool / […]

workshop introduction

According to the philosophy of J.L. Moreno, who argues that the central core in life is the relationship, not the self, it is challenging to negotiate the issue that no […]

Children and parents, the value of the relationship

Internal conflict and individual pathology are the products of interaction with the outside world, family and society in general. This means that psychotherapy or change should not be content with […]

Discovering diversity and discrimination – moving from the multicultural to the intercultural society 

“The philosophy of the moment” underpins psychodrama, which was developed by J.L. Moreno. Moreno proposed a worldview according to which all human beings are infinitely spontaneous, creative and equal. The […]

The philosophy of the moment in life

Play is one of the earliest forms of socialization, it is joy, it is a never-ending need. The need for play is overlooked in the course of adulthood, and its […]

Play in adult life