Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou

The Center for the Study and Practice of Psychodrama / Sophia Simeonidou after 14 consecutive years continues to offer a comprehensive training program in Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Sociometry in the […]

Presentation of the Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama / Sophia Simeonidou

Sociodrama workshop with a mature group of Trainees in Istanbul. Thank you Istanbul Psychodrama Association for the sensitivity and responsibility to create Healthy Cultures.

Istanbul Psychodrama Association “Healthy Cultures”

It was with great pleasure and honor that I participated in the 15th Romanian Psychodrama Conference in Cluj-Napoca on “Between Global Warming and Social Coldness. Creating a Climate of Connection, […]

15th Romanian Psychodrama Congress “Between Global Warming and Social Coldness”

Participation of Sophia Simeonidou in the 46th Group Psychotherapy Conference in Pergamon, conducting the Sociodrama entitled “The Circle of Life”. The theme of the conference was “change and transformation”. 24-27 […]

46th Group Psychotherapy Conference in Pergamon

From the 1st of May 2023, our Centre has been relocated to a new address   21, Politechniou Str.54626, Thessaloniki,Greece  

Centre relocation

Το Γραφείο Βόρειας Ελλάδας του Πανελληνίου Δικτύου για το Θέατρο στην Εκπαίδευση σε συνεργασία με το Κέντρο Μελέτης και Εφαρμογής του Ψυχοδράματος – Σοφία Συμεωνίδου διοργανώνει στις 18 Μαρτίου ημερίδα […]

Workshop “Psychodrama meets the educational community”

It is with great pleasure that we share publicly the success of the three new psychodramatists in their exams for the completion of their studies. Welcome Vasiliki Kapsali, Maria Kremmida […]

Completion of studies in Psychodrama

2 days workshop-seminar entitled: Fight, Flight, Freeze. Working with Anxiety in Psychodrama 1 & 2/10/2022 Simona Vlad, Psychodrama trainer and Psychotherapist. President of Societatea de Psihodramă “J.L. Moreno” 2-day training […]

Fight, Flight, Freeze. Working with Anxiety in Psychodrama

  Colleagues of the FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation present an online workshop of 90 minutes for the 21st International IAGP Congress in Pescara, Italy: ” […]

21th International IAGP Congress & 1st IAGP Hybrid Congress – Pescara

“Humans, creators in the pandemic”. Νew principles on old paths, an internal and external dialogue between the old and the new in the perpetual cycle of life! On the world […]

45th International Group Psychotherapy Congress – Online