Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou
PERFORMERS – A European sociodrama network
Judith Teszáry, together with Kata Horváth from the Hungarian Psychodrama Association started to design the project in 2015. After elaborating the management and administrative background, and working out the professional design of the project potential European psychodrama partners were invited into the project by using the FEPTO network. On one hand we contacted psychodrama organizations having strong sociodrama expertise and those expressing the need to make sociodrama a more significant part of their local psychodrama training structure. On the other hand we asked the psychodrama organizations to start a local cooperation with institutions working with deprived, disadvantaged groups of youths and to select the one they intend to collaborate with within the frame of an international sociodrama project.

Eventually, 8 organizations from 4 countries cooperate in the PERFORMERS project:

  • The Hungarian Psychodrama Association (MPE), as coordinator of the project (Kata Horváth and Ági Blaskó)
  • The Budapest Detention Centre (EMMIBP), as the Hungarian “youth field partner” working with criminalized youngsters (Eszter Pados)
  • The Swedish Association of Psychodramatists (SPF), as the professional leader of the project (Judith Teszáry)
  • The Huddingegymnasiet, a Swedish high school working with new-coming refugee youths (Mariolina Werner)
  • The Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP), as the organization already having sociodrama training curriculum (Margarida Belchior)
  • NOS Association, as the Portuguese “youth field partner” working with disabled and disadvantaged youth in a marginalized neighbourhood of Lisbon.
  • Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama (Thessaloniki), as informal Greek psychodrama organization partner (Sophia Simeonidou)
  • ARSIS a greek NGO working with youths in the most vulnerable situations for example in refugee camps (Kalypso Totti)
The Hungarian Psychodrama Association, as the leader of the consortium coordinates the project with a local staff of 11 members. The professional leader of the project is Judith Teszáry, representing the Swedish Association. Each participating organization delegates its own staff in the project. Altogether 42 psychodrama and youth field professionals are working together in order to develop a sociodrama supervision and training methodology focusing on five context specific topics, which were defined actually at the above mentioned Budapest meeting.


Related concepts
Youths’ aspect
How to build up a future?Where do I want to go from here?
What are my motivations?
Imaginable futures
Life’s projects
Helpers’ aspect
What to show as a realistic and reachable positive outcome?
How to inspire, how to motivate?
Me personally, do have I a vision for them?
Reality check
Youths’ aspect
What is/could be my place in the society?
Who am I related to? How do I relate with the others?
How to be a member of the society?
Which group/community am I belonging to?
Being someone
Without local roots and networks
The system and us
Helpers’ aspect
Youths’ aspect
Who can I trust: the other youths?, the adults (helpers)?, the system?
How will I know that they mean well?
How to build up trustful relationships?
How to shake of my accumulated distrust?
The system and me
Helpers’ aspect
Do I trust the system I am representing? The system and me
Helpers’ aspect
And who supports me in my work? Who understands my difficulties?
Prevent burning out
Helpers in the hell
Youths’ aspect
Helpers’ aspect
Who do I try to protect? The youth/ my country/ the society?/ myself
Stopping the (re) traumatization.
Youths’ aspect
Am I safe?
Am I the danger?
The project design is based on an iterative structure where international trainings are followed by local ones. The three five-days long international trainings will be realized in Lisbon (January 2017), Thessaloniki (May, 2017) and Budapest (September, 2017). These international trainings similarly to their local iterations in each country are based on the five focus topics. On local level sociodrama workshops will be held for the youth workers of the partner organizations, for the youth target groups of the partner organizations and for local psychodramatists interested in the sociodrama method. All in all approximately 30 sociodrama training events will be realized during the 15 months of the project in the four program countries.
In order to be able to follow and understand what is happening in each specific context and to draw methodological edifications and conclusions, we are developing a common documentation methodology based on Peter Kellermann’s process analysis idea. The “diary” as we call it, is a process description tool for the directors which helps them describe the process by following guided questions about the context of the given sociodrama session, about the drama process itself (techniques used, decisions made, etc.), about the evolution of group dynamics, and about emerging social meanings and contents.
According to our plan the PERFORMERS project is supposed to be the first phase of a more ambitious undertaking of psychodrama organizations for the development of a European basic training standard in sociodrama and a sociodrama curriculum which could be adapted by psychodrama training institutes in several European countries. In the next phases we are planning to involve in the project other countries’ psychodrama organizations interested in rethinking roles, potentials and forms of sociodrama for today’s challenging social situations and implementing sociodrama as a separate branch of their training system.
For those who want to follow the evolution of the program we are setting up a web and a facebook page:
We will also present the project in form of workshops at the 12th FEPTO Conference in Sweden (June, 2017) and at the 6th International Sociodrama Conference in Brazil (August, 2017)
Monday January 22nd, 2018