Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama | Sofia Symeonidou
Sofia Symeonidou

Sofia embarked on training in psychodrama as a method of psychotherapy in 1994 at the Greek Branch of the London Centre for Psychodrama Group and Individual Psychotherapy (member of FEPTO-Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations). Her main trainer was Jinnie Jefferies and her examiner for the Diploma in Psychodrama was Ken Sprague. She holds a degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences, with specialization in Psychology.

Sofia has been an associate of ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth since 1997, in charge of arranging for and providing psychosocial support services for children and adolescents at risk of social exclusion, and has participated as scientific staff in numerous European projects. She worked for many years as a trainer and supervisor of volunteer groups in the field of psychosocial services and continues to be active in training and supervising professionals and primary and secondary education teachers in Human Rights and the Rights of the Child. She provides supervision to the scientific staff of ARSIS and has obtained a long experience in introducing and monitoring new methodologies in support of beneficiaries, as well as in organizing and monitoring the structures of ARSIS.

She has been regularly applying psychodrama since 1997, directing group and individual psychodrama sessions. Since January 2008, she has been the head trainer at the Centre for the Study and Application of Psychodrama.

Sofia has delivered workshops and participated in numerous social interventions in schools and community settings. The basic methodology of her work is the psychodramatic method and philosophy, and the key themes include human rights and the prevention and combating of violence in the family, school and the community.

She is also member of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP).

Wednesday December 27th, 2017